
I woke up way to early (about 8:30am), had a shower and went to the bistro over where "we used to learn" and spent two hours without doing much but waiting. Hungry. Saw a disillusioned María and a Sortiris who doesn't have any hope left in him, although he may still be able to go to uni. At least Emi and Marilenna (I've not the slightest idea what the actual spelling is) where happy with their results.

And I have to go back to a spanish school. This sucks.

Anyway, gotta love fast Internet connections. It takes 10-15 minutes to download a (legal) CD with a speed approaching the megabit per second.

Moving! Gotta finish packing things. Then can the move take place. After that, I'll have to procure some food for the family (preferably from a supermarket) and wait for the "telco guy" who's supposed to come to install the landline. And then I have to prepare for the next travel to Britland.

With some luck the SuSE 9.3 CDs contain some x86_64 files. Otherwise I'll have to install it on indy and try to mirror the x86_64 repository. I'll have to think about building another desktop. With a bit of luck the Athlon 1.4 won't have problems on the Asus motherboard, which means the server gets more memory and bigger disks.

Viva yo!

I've got the results for the Mittelstufenprüfung already today and got a DIII, which is the highest you can get! You could say I'm happy. Tomorrow we get them officially, so I'll have to go again at about 10:00am. We'll then go out to celebrate probably.

I'm almost ready to move. I just need to pack some more clothes and get the books and laptop ready.

I've also come to the conclusion that you can never be sure what to expect from (semi-)chipriots. That and that they have a secret plan to invade Berlin little by little. Well, it has to be little by little, the whole country (I'm talking about the greek part) has something like a fourth of the population of Berlin. This also has the advantage that more or less like in Britland, everyone is loaded.

But don't let these thoughts disturb you. Act as if I'd never written this. It's probably better for everyone.

SuSE has published ISOs for public consumtion. That's nice, but they only have i386 CDs. I need something for x86_64, and all they have is the network install. If I manage to mirror the x86_64 RPM folder, I may be able to use it, but there's just so much stuff...


Apparently freedom is paid for in tiredness. Of other people. I was expecting to go round to Давид(David)'s[0] on Sunday, but after he fell asleep at about 2:00am on the night Saturday-Sunday he didn't have any force anymore for anything else.

We find out our exam results in two days, and I have to think about packing my things for moving. It's going to be an interesting weekend. My family comes, and the next day. I'll try to go with David somewhere (most likely Dresden).

The ACX driver is going to be proposed for inclusion in the kernel at last! This is good news, algthough I'm not actually sure if it's ready for it. Specially the USB part needs to be reworked.

[0]I'm not actually sure how I should write his name (Latin, Cyrillic, Armenian). His family heritage is armenian, but they can be counted as russian. He was however born in the DDR (which doesn't even exist anymore), but where they used the latin alphabet.

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