Today, I received an e-mail from someone from VMware, who was asking for some peer-review. Sadly, I do not know of anybody who would be able to work for them. I'm assuming they saw my e-mail with the ChangeLog of the ACX driver and assumed I was 'in the biz', but don't tell anyone I used that expression.

My router is now in the Linux Counter ( although it doesn't have very good uptimes. At most, it could last 14 hours up. After that it needs to be shut down so we can sleep.

What I'd really like is a Mini-ATX box which I could have as allways-on machine for real. This would imply lowish power consumption and no to very low noise. I'd really like to have it hooked up to the sattelite aerial so it can record the shows I never remember to watch (most notably Global Edition) and with which I could try to have a high uptime. The uptime would be limited by the quality of the power supply here, which means the box will get rebooted at least twice a year.