There has to be few things that are more frustrating that looking for a verb during a Philosophy exam and have the same verb repeating over and over in German, finally managing to come up with a suitable verb in Spanish, and have the idea the rest of the exam that the German verb was actually far better suited for the occasion. I still think that "Gefüle hervorrufen" is far better than "apelar a los sentimientos", but I don't think my teacher would have agreed.

And whilst we're on language mixing, there's a jumper going around (well, I'm guessing they made several and sold them) which has the following text on it: "Διφερεντε νο εσ δεσιγυαλ". I have no problem with the text being in Spanish using greek characters. I also write stuff in different scripts just for the sake of it. The problem I have is that it's not even written properly. The "εσ" should be "ες". If you're going to sell something which can actually be read (unlike chinese-like symbols on clothing which don't have any actual meaning) the least you should do it at least check it's written properly. There's not much point to this semi-rant, I just though I'd share.

In completely unrelated news, I now have a new desk, which means I have shitloads of space to waste. I can have both my CRT screens (which I'll have to get working as dual-head under X at some point, though that's another story), my laptop on my desk and still have some writing space left.

From the ACX driver front, I've confirmed that the ACX100 can send Probe Request packets, but then something weird happens with RX packets. PCI says it can't find any free. I haven't looked at the USB, but it does timeout whilst unlinking during rmmod. This only happens if something's really wrong with the device or I did something stupid.