Merry Christmas everyone! Best wishes to all of you.

Some stuff has moved over here. First of all: me. I'm now on the Canary Islands. Nice and warm for Christmas. Second of all, I've managed to find the problem with Probe Request with ACX100 hardware.

A quick patch later, all is good and we discover the same APs as the Windows driver does. We may now actually be more functional than the Windows driver, which really says a lot about the Open Source/Free Software way of doing things. It also says a lot about the people who reverse-engineered the driver. Kudos to them.

And talking about that, some progress has been made with the reverse-engineering of the IPN2220 driver. I think IDA Pro might have mis-disassembled some stuff. Either that or the compiler is doing really weird stuff. A lot of negative numbers are being used as offsets. Also, IDA Pro is marking subroutines wrong. There are references from one subroutine to inside another one.