Finishing touches
Well, I've finally decided the ACX100 USB device cannot function properly as a Single Point of Failure. At least not yet. The MAC address for the Ralink ( card should be in the system by Monday afternoon, so until then I'm faking its MAC address so we can connect to the network.
My SMP system won't properly connect to the ACX100 USB device, so I can't test how well the USB driver works on SMP. It shouldn't have much of a problem, but it's really annoying that I can't use it. I'll try connecting the front-panel sockets and see if it works there.
Andreas just sent an e-mail saying he's just come back from his honeymoon and didn't know anything about the MySQL server change, and now all the data there is lost. can't be trusted anymore, because they don't seem to give a shit about anybody.
I'm finally running Debian/unstable on my desktop and Kubuntu 5.10 on my laptop. Kubuntu had no problems at all on it, so I'm leaving at least for the time being.