Finishing touches

Well, I've finally decided the ACX100 USB device cannot function properly as a Single Point of Failure. At least not yet. The MAC address for the Ralink (www.ralinktech.com) card should be in the system by Monday afternoon, so until then I'm faking its MAC address so we can connect to the network.

My SMP system won't properly connect to the ACX100 USB device, so I can't test how well the USB driver works on SMP. It shouldn't have much of a problem, but it's really annoying that I can't use it. I'll try connecting the front-panel sockets and see if it works there.

Andreas just sent an e-mail saying he's just come back from his honeymoon and didn't know anything about the SF.net MySQL server change, and now all the data there is lost. SF.net can't be trusted anymore, because they don't seem to give a shit about anybody.

I'm finally running Debian/unstable on my desktop and Kubuntu 5.10 on my laptop. Kubuntu had no problems at all on it, so I'm leaving at least for the time being.

Using x86_64

I'm getting really fed up with the x86_64 GNU/Linux distributions not wokring. I've tried SuSE 9.3, 10.0, 10.0.45 and Kubuntu 5.10 and none work properly. SuSE doesn't get past the first boot, and Kubuntu dies after trying to syncronise the clock via ntp.

Next in line is x86 Debian Sarge. I'll then compile a x86_64 kernel and maybe upgrade userpace. I'll then build a native LFS, since it looks like the only way to get things working like I want them to. Getting software is a bit of a pain in the ass, but at least I don't have to drag half of gnome just to install some desktop app.

I'll try to install Breezy Badger (Kubuntu) on my laptop and see how it goes. Wish me luck.

Google sightings

Yesterday the wireless network was playing up. The access points kept disappearing and reappearing and the driver couldn't react (note that this is on the USB ACX100).

Then, an Ad-Hoc network with the ESSID (name) "google" appeared, with a MAC address I'm quite certain doesn't exist (started with C5, I've only seen ones that start with 00. AFAIK there's no need for that yet) but then changed to the AP that sits on the town hall.

It disappeared after a while, and the network returned to normal. Strange.

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