So, finally at home. The Internet connection gets cut for no apparent reason at some point in the night, and works again in the late afternoon. They blame power cuts. Since I don't know where the computer that handles DHCP and routing is, I cannot know whether this is actually true or not.

Thanks to the time the connection does work, I've managed to download the LFS LiveCD and will start building the server tomorrow. The big problem is how to get internet connection to that computer. the AP seems busted, so no Wi-Fi at home. Right now the laptop is using a Cat5 to connect to the Windows box, which is the only one which gets some sort of decent connection. I either need a longer cable or a new AP.

I was thinking about the new AP from some time ago anyway, but the main problem right now is getting drivers for the cards. The new server has a Broadcom chipset which only works with ndiswrapper. Now, I'd rather not use that and buy a card with proper Linux support. Some 802.11g card and a correspoing AP would make my day.

I'm going to make a sacrificial box out of a PIII with not much memory (I've no idea how much it's got) and this one can be connected through Ethernet to my desktop (as soon as I get one working) or laptop, as it shouldn't really have anything to do with any other box.