I finally solved the dead-computer problem with KioPa. The PSU gave up, although not quite. The green LED on the board lights up, but it won't power on, so I'm now using the PSU that came from indy. It will get the PSU from the P3 (without a name) and we'll see how it goes.

It also turns out that the huge 17" monitor has two bent pins shorting on the VGA connector, which explains why it was zapping me. The TFT has been used in its place.

Transmitting a 4G file over Ethernet was fun. No problems kiwi->pepe but apache on pepe would return an empty document, which sort of defeats the point. At first I though it was a problem with the file size, but then I remembered that pepe is a 64-bit machine. Figuring this one out is going to prove interesting. I finally had to move it over using the iRiver jukebox. Ridiculous.