Whilst trying to reclaim some space on the hard drive, I managed to screw up several times, so the reiserfs partition is absolutely screwed.

First, /bin was gone. I managed to recover some of it through fsck and /lost+found, set grub up so it would boot properly, but the kernel (or init, or whoever insists in mounting root as read-only and not executing any of the rc commands, which means all I get is a prompt, and can't even log in because I can't change to /dev/tty1 because the filesystem is read-only. Or so says getty.

I'll hopefully get a wireless AP tomorrow, so I can connect the computers without having to move one from one side to the other of the room or having to use external drives or the laptop. All I'll need then is a card that's properly supported by Linux and all will[0] be set to go.

[0] How about all'll? Hmm, the spellchecker doesn't like it...