Man, what a few unproductive weeks. I've basically not touched RPGScript at all. I did download the cvs and made it a tarball, but then I realised that I had moved some files, and, of course, CVS doesn't have a way to do that, so I'm gonna have to transform it into Subversion.
I have however managed to do some work on the Crypto Package, although the latest version is still not up. I've also put it on a Subversion repsitory.
The web pages are being transfered to Subversion repositories, as are some other projects.
I must say that I like what I've seen of Subversion as of yet. It's not perfect, and I've had to do a lot of reopository-delete-recreate untill I managed to get it right, but it sure beats CVS. Now, some back-end scripts to recreate the website and push it... Of course I still need a dedicated computer and a decent inet connection. That's not gonna happen for a long time.
I still have to try to connect to the WLAN at the uni again, but I can't seem to find time. Would be good to update some of the program I've got in CVS.