On the legality of going into places
Well, on Friday we went out for a dinner. Being the last day we all had free. It was quite good, although we couldn't be there very long because a (or the couple) had to work the next day. So yesterday we went out. It just didn't start well. Half the people didn't come. Some without bothering to say much, and we were left four. Well, we decided to go anyway. Might as well. It was still too early so there were few bars open. We went into one that was open and had a couple of pints (I never though I'd actually be using this unit to measure anything). We then tried to find some guy who had just dumped Stacy and to whose she wanted to throw a drink. Or so she said. It would appear that all she wanted to do was get toghether again with him. I still don't get that thing about having male friends. Somehow we had to walk a bit before them. Anyway, we tried to go into this bar, and they asked Tim for ID. I mean, he doesn't look like 18, but neither did the girls. Just because they were showing cleavage... I probably should have said something to the bouncer to reaffirm that we were not minors, but the though scaped my mind at the moment. We tried to go to another bar, but that wasn't open either. We just decided to go home. We watched a film which I don't really remember much about.

Small updates
Right. On Sunday I went with a few others to walk a bit in the mountains. It was fun, but there were just too many stairs. It was hard, but we finally managed to get to the top. Then we ate and went to the bottom. The stairs leading down were all frozen, and we had to hold to the handrail. I had of course forgotten my gloves, so by the end of the first stairs I couldn't feel my hands. I managed to update the svn repository on BerliOS with the code I'm actually working with, which was quite a bit different from what I had there. It should go smoothly from here on. UNI.cc still don't have their servers upgraded so that more DNS entries are avaliable. This means I still don't get to use my own MX host. This would also prove a bit difficult right now, although I'm trying to make it work. If the P3 would stay put in some place, it is possible that I could make it work. However, it seems to keep rolling around from place to place, and thsi is not a very good way to build a system that should run 27/4 and take care of the internet connectivity of the whole house. On not-so-related news, I'm gonna go on a trip to England next week, followed by a trip to Italy the week after, to end up at home and rest for a couple of weeks.

Man, what a few unproductive weeks. I've basically not touched RPGScript at all. I did download the cvs and made it a tarball, but then I realised that I had moved some files, and, of course, CVS doesn't have a way to do that, so I'm gonna have to transform it into Subversion. I have however managed to do some work on the Crypto Package, although the latest version is still not up. I've also put it on a Subversion repsitory. The web pages are being transfered to Subversion repositories, as are some other projects. I must say that I like what I've seen of Subversion as of yet. It's not perfect, and I've had to do a lot of reopository-delete-recreate untill I managed to get it right, but it sure beats CVS. Now, some back-end scripts to recreate the website and push it... Of course I still need a dedicated computer and a decent inet connection. That's not gonna happen for a long time. I still have to try to connect to the WLAN at the uni again, but I can't seem to find time. Would be good to update some of the program I've got in CVS.

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