On developing speed
Yesterday a group of us went to see a Handball game between the Elbehexen (something like the witches of the Elbe) and some other team, whose name I forgot. The hexen won, and we then went out to drink a bit. Not too much because we needed to go back to class today, although two of them haven't been.
With this the development of rpgs is going slower than I planned. I should already have the language defined, but I still haven't taken a look at it. I did however start to re-organize where the files go. Everything at top-level is no longer considered good.
I'll try to get more info on why the IPv6 to the Zaurus doesn't work and try to get a croos-compile to work for StrongARM, to check for portability stuff. Even if my software never runs on a StrongARMv4l, this should be good for general portability.