So, when I got back home, I couldn't get the IPv6 to work. I'm not actually sure why. I though it was the netmask or something like that, but it doesn't seem to be that. I have moved to the new server (the european one) and I'm going to update what I can. I still need to write that thing about XOR (possibly) revealing your password. BerliOS won't let me connect. I don't know if this is an acutall network failure or I'm being specifically blocked. This means I can't upload the rpgscript code for inclusion in CVS. I need to try again to connect with the laptop in the uni WLAN. I still have to know where it's actually a good place to connect since sat outside doesn't really seem like such a good idea to me. UPDATE: BerliOS is working again. don't forget to check out my project in, you know you want to ;)