Everybody is calling my name...
My teachers are a bid mad, they keep calling everybody by my name, to tell another kid to stop doing something. It started with my English teacher, one of the other kids has the same name as his second name. Fair enough, the next boy he calls' name is Luis Antonio. How the hell does that even resemble Carlos? And then today my Physics teacher called some random kid Carlos. And the Spanish teacher, and... You get the idea. I've started to port another program - completely from scratch, mainly because I'm not sure where the source code is. The program is AddBk and is an address book (typicall, isn't it) that allowes you to set a profile for viewing. It's in console for now, but we'll see.

In the beggining...
This is my first post here, I just created this. it's the first time I've been running Windows for a while. I'm burning some DVDs, which is really slow (I've been here two hours). Today I did some "Improvements" to my VectorTools program, but now it always ouputs a minus number for some reason. This is in a different host as the rest of my site will be in a few days, when I finish fine-touching it, since the new one doesn't allow FTP uploads, so I'll just have to stick to this, and I'll have to edit that blog template to put it in the same way the rest of the new site. DVD's finished! Nice and warm... Well, I'm gonna boot back into Linux (man, you miss it when you're used to KDE. Explorer just doesn't feel as good as Moz) and try to port one of the program I made for Windows. That shouldn't bee to hard, it's just a few lines and most of them are standard calls. Well, so long!

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